Goals and That Flighty Temptress, Adventure

newyearsThe end of the year is a time for reflection. A time to look back on all that’s happened these last twelve months, to celebrate dreams that have been achieved, or consider goals that may have fallen by the wayside. And, of course, to set new challenges for the upcoming year.

Before I share my New Year’s resolutions, I’d like to revisit my goals from 2014 and see how I did.

  • Finish my murder mystery — I finished the first draft and am well into revisions so I’m going to call this a win (thank you, ambiguity!).
  • Write two short stories — Clear! To boot, one of those stories won a contest, and the other one was published in an anthology. As a bonus, I wrote another short story that will be published in an anthology summer 2015!
  • Write one blog post per week — Success! This was much harder than I expected. It was tempting to skip a week here or there, but I’m proud to have accomplished this feat. Thank you, dear readers, for joining me each week.
  • Read all 66 of Agatha Christie’s detective novels — Ha! I didn’t even get close to this one. I think it was March when I realized I didn’t want to be constrained to reading only one author for most of the year. I would still like to read all of Christie’s detective novels, but decided this is really more of a lifetime goal.

What did you accomplish in 2014? Were there any goals you were especially proud of achieving?

Alright, enough looking back. Let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure ~ Dumbledore. Here are my goals for 2015:

  • TAIWAN/Finish revising Mondays are Murder, aka murder mystery, and query the $#*! out of it
  • Finish the first draft of a brand new novel
  • Read 80 new books (rereads don’t count)
  • Go to Japan
  • Write 12 blog posts (this is quite a bit less than last year, but I’d like to shift my blogging to be more intermittent. I’ll still post with any news or interesting tidbits to discuss, but it probably won’t be every week.)

What are your goals for 2015??

What I’m reading: Red Rising by Pierce Brown

What I’m listening to: Cool Kids — Echosmith