
Jan 06

Let’s Talk Dialogue

I was working on a dialogue-heavy scene the other day, which essentially means I spent the day mumbling to myself, constantly asking, would anyone actually say this? For the record, the cat was in the room with me so I wasn’t really talking to myself. But it got me thinking about dialogue, a fundamental writing tool, but […]

Dec 31

SMART Goals, Art, and New Years

Ah, New Years Eve, a time for sipping prosecco, watching Lord of the Rings until midnight (or ten o’clock, *ahem*), and setting goals for the upcoming year. I learned about SMART (Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely) Goals while working in a corporate office, where they tended to be something like, I’ll complete four BS Reports […]

Dec 23

Best Books of 2013

I made a goal at the beginning of the year to read 52 books, one a week. Now, after spending a year relishing in the worlds and imaginations of some truly brilliant authors, I’m one book and one week away. Huzzah! (I have a perhaps-crazy goal simmering for 2014, but that’s for next week’s blog…) […]

Dec 16

On Van Gogh and the ‘It’ Factor

Last year I went to the Becoming Van Gogh exhibit at the Denver Art Museum. It was brilliantly laid out, a chronological journey through his growth as an artist. The exhibit showcased how Van Gogh honed his craft and ultimately became the acclaimed artist we know of, from sketches he did as an adolescent to […]

Dec 09

On Self-Publishing

It’s an exciting time to be a writer. Authors have more options than ever before, with the rise of e-books, self-publishing through Amazon, and Print On Demand technology. The publishing industry is changing drastically, which is probably why I’m often asked the question Will you self-publish your book? If you ask me this at a social […]