Drawing Stars
I’m reading Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh, a webcomic with quirky graphics and poignant humor. Reading Brosh’s stories reminded me of one of my own childhood memories, and inspired me to share it.
When I was 4 years old, I learned how to draw a star. This was a big moment for me because I’d finally found a way to navigate my Barbies through the complicated maze that was our house. Like constellations or the North Star, my little stars would serve as a map.
The plan was simple: Prince Charming, aka Ken, would go ahead and leave a trail of stars for Barbie to follow. Why they didn’t just travel together is beyond me, but it must’ve made sense to my 4-year-old mind.
I worked hard on my map, crawling from corner to corner, drawing tiny stars at the bottom of white-textured walls. About a foot off the ground and two feet apart, my stars snaked through the entire downstairs, starting in the living room and ending in the office.
Sharp little girl that I was, I knew pencil would fade. So I used pen.
But my Barbies weren’t the only ones to follow my trail of breadcrumbs. My dad caught me mid-star. He was good-humored about it, especially considering how much extra work my star chart created.
That memory, and the thought that there still might be a star hidden in some forgotten corner of my childhood home, makes me smile.
What are your, or your kids’, favorite childhood stories that make you smile?
What I’m reading: Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh (seriously, this book and the blog it’s based on are both utterly brilliant)
What I’m listening to: Gorillaz – Clint Eastwood
What a fun story. I’m glad your father recognized your budding story-telling skills. One of my favorite memories is of my 2 year old daughter, finding her way out of her portable crib, and climbing her dresser. When I walked in on her, she was sitting atop her dresser, swinging her cute little legs, grinning and singing. This little one is now 18 and still smiles, sings and warms my heart.
Julie, that is such a sweet story! It put a smile on my face
Thank you for sharing!