Dec 21

Favorite Reads of 2015

2015 is almost over. In some ways, it feels like it just began, but in going through all the books I’ve read this year, I can tell that time has marched steadily past. I’ve read 70 books this year, and there were some real gems among them. Not to mention a refreshing variety–a healthy dose of […]

Mar 11

Spring is Here!

Spring has *finally* arrived! The signs are everywhere: tulip and daffodil bulbs popping up, longer sunshine-filled days, and the newest resident in our backyard. Okay, so the last thing might not actually be a sign of spring, but it warrants talking about. We have a vole. He lives under the stoop in our backyard. As […]

Sep 29

The New Book I’m Sneezing About

In Marketing, a ‘sneezer’ is a term for someone who promotes products word-of-mouth, and word-of-mouth marketing is still alive and well in the book world (just ask John Green and his army of Nerdfighters). I’ve been a book sneezer for a long time. In fact, if we’ve had a prolonged conversation about books recently, chances are I’ve […]

Jun 02

The Many Flavors Of Books

Just like ice cream, books come in an assortment of different flavors. Now, I’m not talking about genre but rather mood, which seems to transcend genre. Here are a few of my favorite reading flavors: Comfort (chocolate): These books are so happy and fun they always give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Ironically, I […]