So This Is My Blog…

Thank you to my awesome cousin for designing and building me this website! I hope I can do it justice.

This all started about five years ago when I got the urge to write a novel. Since then, by day I’ve been a Statistician, but by early morning light I’ve been a novelist. And all the while, my passion for this amazing, complex craft has grown.

Ron Swanson wisely stated, “Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.”

The time is right. So I quit my day job to pursue my dream of writing novels full-time. To pursue the Great Perhaps (for those who haven’t read John Green yet, I highly recommend doing so; you won’t be sorry).

I don’t know where this will lead but I’m excited to find out. I’ll chronicle my literary adventures and other fun tidbits here. I hope you’ll join me!

What I’m reading: The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey (alien invasions + a kick-ass female lead + superb writing = awesome)

What I’m listening to: Midnight City – M83